
Just The Facts Pre-test/Post-test module records each student’s proficiency with basic math facts. Assessment of skill improvement helps you make individualized learning plans. Includes: Whole Numbers, Decimals, Integers, Fractions.

Very Important Facts® (VIFs) A sequence of video, instruction and practice helps students build automaticity with basic facts. Students learn how to decompose numbers, as well as a straightforward way to add & subtract numbers—including double digits.

Workout Gyms Fast-paced, short-cycle games build fact fluency & automaticity with addition, subtraction, multiplication & division. Also includes fractions, decimals and integers.

Skill Sets® Eight Skill Sets contain math games focused on specific levels of math learning, ranging from Addition to multi-step Algebra. Each set is comprised of three sequential 24® Games, each builds upon skills acquired in previous games.

Know & Show Online math practice with word problems is important. Games offer a unique way for students to experience the type of problems found on standardized tests. Problems from nine categories tie to math standards.

Bonus Games Various types of untimed skill-building activities, such as sequencing and working with tens, target skills students will need at each grade level.

Measurement World Games focus on Money, Time, Length, Distance, Area, Volume, Weights and everyday math applications. Available in US & Metric, plus a Mixed category to help students become comfortable with both.

Computational Thinking (2.0) Games strengthen the ability to think logically at several levels & multiple steps ahead and serve as an introduction to coding. Boosts confidence in dealing with complexity and persistence with difficult problems. Great STEM activities.

K-2 World Math play that matters! Games for K-1-2 grades provide a stress-free environment for the introduction of basic skills, improve focus and can be used to help establish daily, short-term goals. Most require no reading and make math fun and cool!