If your school will be using funding sources that require a research basis for purchases, the following links to independent research and First in Math® Case Studies should be helpful.
First In Math Research-Based Design, Logic Model, Efficacy Case Study. [Conducted by LXD Research, an independent research firm that evaluates educational programs with ESSA-aligned methods.]
The study used a multi-methods approach to evaluating First in Math. Program efficacy was evaluated by comparing the achievement of students in the study with state averages and by measuring the correlation between product usage and Math achievement.
A new Lehigh University research study on the successful use of First In Math at Marvine Elementary has been peer reviewed and published in the Mathematics Teaching Research Journal, Spring 2020 Vol 12, no 1.
Third graders from the Bethlehem Area School District (BASD) have set a record in math achievement using the First In Math (FIM) Online Program. FIM is an online math-practice tool for grades K through 8. Implemented in 5,000 schools in the US and abroad, this unique curriculum supplement has impacted more than 20 million students since its inception.
According to the PA and the US Department of Education, The School District of Philadelphia experienced an outstanding 37.4 percentage-point increase in math scores since implementing the program in 2003.
Education industry giant WestEd recently completed a scientific-based research study on the First In Math (FIM) Program in the National City School District in San Diego County. The evaluation involved 2,412 students in grades 3 through 6 and focused primarily on the impact of the FIM program on student achievement. The evaluation studied if the amount of time students spent on FIM affected their mathematics skills, and if participation in FIM had a positive effect on students' attitudes.
Data for the 2004-2005 school year again points to steady improvement, with many schools scoring double-digit increases in math proficiency. In addition, analysis of the data suggests that schools with high levels of participation in the First In Math® program posted higher increases in math proficiency.
Charts shown represent Pennsylvania schools—large and small—that posted DOUBLE-DIGIT INCREASES in test scores after using the program.
The School District of Philadelphia began using the First In Math® online program in more than 2,600 third- through eighth-grade classrooms throughout the district during the 2003-2004 school year. The first-year implementation of the First In Math® program was a resounding success, with 2004 Pennsylvania State Standard Assessment (PSSA) results showing a significant increase in overall performance in math.
More than 640 elementary- and middle-school classrooms throughout San Diego County received 24 game materials to be used with second- through eighth-grade students for a recommended average of five minutes per day. A U.S. Department of Education grant provided for Jumping Levels® kits and/or 24® Game Mathematics Club kits to be sent to participating classrooms. Teachers were surveyed about the value of the program(s) by WestEd.