First In Math provides successful math experiences that foster a lifelong love of learning and help K-8 students acquire essential skills that lead to success in the Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) fields. 1
Unique online games, substantive content, and reinforcing feedback create interest in students of all ages and skill levels without creating additional burden on teachers. Our highest success rates are among elementary-age students.
• Students enjoy FIM so much that nearly 50% use it in their free time.
• Girls are especially drawn to our student-centered approach to math.
• FamilyLink® provides one free User ID per student for family member or friend!
Computational Thinking
An essential 21st-century STEM skill, Computational Thinking is the thinking process employed in understanding a problem and formulating a solution that takes place before coding can begin:
1. Breaking down a complex problem into smaller manageable parts
2. Focusing on the important information, ignoring irrelevant detail
3. Recognizing patterns
4. Developing a step-by-step solution to the problem
Integrating CT into mathematics can help students better understand how to express procedures as a series of logical, precise, repeatable steps that deliver an expected result...and a correct solution.
Our CT WORLD module strengthens the ability to think logically at several levels and multiple steps ahead. More than a dozen games boost confidence in dealing with complexity, persistence in working with difficult problems, tolerance for ambiguity and the ability to deal with open-ended problems.
1 An independent 2016-17 SRI evaluation conducted to assess First In Math’s ability to improve fact fluency concludes: “First In Math moves the needle on student academic achievement.” Data show 90% probability of test score improvement by at least 50 points when used 20 minutes/week.