First In Math vs. Nintendo Wii—The Ultimate Smackdown!

First In Math vs. Nintendo Wii—The Ultimate Smackdown!

HARTFORD, CT—Philip is a huge "gamer." The active fourth-grader never goes anywhere without bringing his PSP—that's Sony's Play Station Portable for those of you over the age of 18. His mother, Susan Murray, admits she has even caught him playing in bed at night. "We recently got a Nintendo Wii game console, and Philip was CONSTANTLY asking if he could play it," says Murray. "Imagine my shock when he turned it down to finish one of the games on the First In Math site!"

A busy family with many activities, the Murrays had not had many chances to use their new Wii. "After school one day, I told the kids that when they finished their homework, they could play video games on the Wii" explains Murray. "When they finished everything, I turned it on and my other two kids began to play. I called to Philip, but he told me that he was busy doing First in Math and had to finish. I reminded him that he had basketball practice that evening and wouldn't be able to use the Wii later. He told me, 'that's okay, I'd rather do the First in Math'. I was amazed! For Philip to give up an opportunity to play video games is huge!"

"Our entire school is buzzing with excitement," says Tyrone Richardson, Math Coach at Noah Webster MicroSociety Magnet School. "Even though we started the program much later than some of the other schools, we are currently ranked 3rd in Connecticut." Richardson explains that Philip has been battling with several classmates to have the most points in the First in Math program.

"The program has made math come to life at Noah Webster," says Principal Dolores Cole. "Our students are now excited about math, and this excitement has generated a healthy competition to score high!"

"All three of my kids love First in Math, but Philip is by far the most competitive," says Murray. "FIM has been a great way to combine his competitiveness and love of computer games—all while improving his math skills! I am very impressed with the program and the effect it has had on the entire school. I see the effect not only in my kids, but at the math awards and during our Aetna Math Mentoring program."

At first, Murray says she was concerned that the program might not be fair to children that don't have computers or internet access at home, but is no longer worried. "Mr. Richardson and the staff have done a great job implementing this program, and I have seen how the teachers make computers available to students before and after school and during free time. "Students are even choosing to do First in Math at recess."

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