First In Math Part of D.C. Local Education Agencies Institute Series

First In Math Part of Washington, D.C.
'Local Education Agencies Institute' Series

WASHINGTON, DC—First In Math Implementation Strategist Monica Patel, Project Coordinator Nancy Kane and FIM Representative Brock Estes presented a workshop titled Energize Instruction and Empower Students with Educational Technology at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center in downtown Washington, D.C., on May 1.

Monica Patel
Many participants used cell phone cameras to capture Patel’s slides demonstrating “Closed Loop” learning models and other concepts.  

The workshop was part of The District of Columbia’s Office of the State Superintendent of Education’s It Takes a City Local Education Agencies (LEA) Institute Series.

Teachers, administrators, service providers and even parents are invited to attend these exciting LEA events, where participants can select from a robust menu of breakout sessions and workshops. The two-day event’s theme was It Takes a City: DC Does it Best!  

“The focus of our workshop was to demonstrate how intelligent game design—that is based upon neurological research—can set students on a path that promotes 21st-century skills,” explains Patel.

According to Patel, a recent World Economic Forum study found that the world market increasingly demands 21st-century skills. She discussed how a “Closed Loop” system uses educational technology to help teachers promote these skills.

“A Closed-Loop Learning System makes classroom instruction so effective,” says Patel. “When teachers choose programs that are open-ended and provide challenge, students instinctually use critical thinking, problem solving, and creativity as they approach tasks. They take active ownership of their learning, and that ownership leads to curiosity and persistence.”

Using the First In Math Online Program to demonstrate how a closed learning loop works, Patel invited the audience to try their skills on different games and modules from the website. “As participants work toward a common goal, they become aware of the importance of goal-setting in promoting positive communication and collaboration between students and teachers. It is a whole other level of energy!”

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