News Archive

Current Front Page Articles

New York State Math Stars Compete in Albany
New York State Math Stars Shine in Albany
Why Children Are Anxious About Mathematics
New York Student Shares Love for First in Math
Brothers Achieve Success in More Ways Than One
Cottonwood Elementary Students’ Achievements in Math Add Up to New Bicycles
First In Math Students Reach Milestone During Difficult Year
First In Math Named 2020 AACPS Partner of the Year
New Jersey Students Take 24® Game Tournament Online
Top First In Math Kindergarten Team in the Nation Meets Inventor
First In Math A Family Affair for 2020 Top Ten Champion
2019-2020 Top Ten Rankings Competition Special Announcement

Previously Featured Articles

First In Math Distance Learning Initiative in India

School closures due to the Covid-19 crisis in India, began in March 2020. Robert Sun, and India FIM CEO, Monica Patel, launched a First In Math® online initiative to ensure schools could continue to engage students with mathematics


East Orange 24 Game Tournament Creates Buzz for Math

Jaliyla Fraser, Supervisor of Mathematics for grades 6-12 in the East Orange School District’s Division of Curriculum Services, went from concept to district-wide 24 Challenge Tournament—complete with a pre-game national anthem, food, cheerleaders, halftime show and a DJ—in only four months!


New Jersey Educator Aims to Help Students Conquer Their Fear of Math

"The 24 game is a staple in American culture, it literally has impacted the world,” says Jaliyla Fraser, Supervisor of Mathematics for grades 6-12 in the East Orange School District’s Division of Curriculum Services, who believes that the 24® Game helps students of all ages combat their fear of math because it allows them to engage the subject in a non-threatening way.


New Jersey School Creates Math Fun with First in Math “Just the Facts” Tournaments

Students fired up laptops and logged into First in Math to tackle a series of five-minute sessions in the JUST THE FACTS Addition Module to see who could answer the most addition facts correctly in the shortest amount of time—and win!


Florida Student Shares His Passion for First In Math

A student at Breakfast Point Academy is generating a lot of buzz about the First In Math program throughout Bay District Schools


You've Got (First In Math) Mail!

First In Math announces a new Notifications System, designed to keep Teachers, Principals and Administrators up-to-date about everything in the First In Math universe.


First In Math Unveils Social Engagement Award

First In Math Online has unveiled a new Spirit In Education™ Award to support the effort educators, students and parents are making to create energy and excitement around math on Social Media.


News Archive - First in Math Brings Unique Experience To Romanian School

From our FIM NEWS Archives – 2007 | A small Romanian town is home to the first East European school to offer its students access to the First in Math® Online Program


Empowering A Special Child: One Family’s Journey of Transformation

Raising a child with special needs can be a rollercoaster of emotion for parents, who must uncover the best tools to hone their child's individual skills.


First In Math Champions, Then and Now: James O'Shea

Another in our series of stories looking back on past First In Math and 24 Game Champions — First In Math Champion James O'Shea.


First In Math Helps Retired Army Veteran and Family Look to the Future

Combat infantry Sgt. "H" awoke in a Baghdad ER with severe injuries that left his memory compromised and his high-level math skills nearly gone. The 17-year veteran—who used to deal with calculus and trigonometry—tried flash cards, other programs, and almost lost hope, but FIM offered the daily therapy he needed.


2017 Holiday Greetings from First In Math

Happy Holidays from all of us to all of you!


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