The Just The Facts game "tests" knowledge of basic math facts. Full assessment of each student's baseline—and skill improvement—is accessible from your Teacher Homepage. Choose content area: Whole Numbers; Fractions; Decimals or Integers. Within each unit select an Operation: Add; Subtract; Multiply or Divide. Helps build automaticity with addition, subtraction, multiplication and division facts.
JTF's Pre-Test/Post-Test
is a suggested starting point for all students!
1. Ask students to log in to their homepage and select the JTF icon.
2. Students take the JTF 10 x 10 Pre-test in class.
3. Complete the Pre-test; each is only five minutes per operation.
Grades 1 & 2: Complete JTF 10 x 10 - Add / Subtract
Grade 3: Complete JTF 10 x 10 - Add / Subtract / Multiply
Grades 4 & 5: Complete JTF 10 x 10 - Add / Subtract / Multiply / Divide
4. Students needing improvement can repeat the Post-test as needed until greater proficiency is achieved.
NEXT STEP: Students who need to build fact fluency and improve automaticity before taking additional Post-tests should visit the GYM module, where they can practice number facts from 1 to 12, individually.
Want to know more about Just The Facts, or how First In Math works? Contact us for a personalized Guided Tour. No pressure, just facts and answers to your questions! Sessions tailored to fit your schedule. (Educators only)
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