Western "Road Trip" Brings Inventor to Several California School Districts

Western "Road Trip" Brings Inventor to Several California School Districts

SAN YSIDRO, CA—First In Math Online Program creator Robert Sun visited San Ysidro Schools District's La Mirada Elementary School on June 3 to present Principal Manuel Bojorquez with a plaque signifying the school's Outstanding Mathematics Achievement in the First In Math program. San Ysidro School District Superintendent Manuel H. Paul was in attendance to congratulate students, including the district’s top-ranked team, HYDRA34CA, the #3 fifth grade team in the state. Later that day, Sun also traveled to nearby Ocean View Hills Elementary to present Principal Jose Valdivia with awards for the #2 and #3 teams in the District.


Back Row, Left to right: Superintendent Manuel H. Paul; HYDRA34CA Team Leader Leonor Partida; Principal Manuel Bojorquez; Bob Sun and Curriculum Advisor, Penny Cline. Front Row: Top La Mirada First In Math players, including the school’s #1 player, Vanessa (in pink).

The previous day, Sun and Suntex Vice President Asteak attended an assembly for grades 3, 4 and 5 at San Marcos Unified School District’s Knob Hill, the #8-ranked school in California. Principal Steve Baum and Assistant Principal Carrie Geldard are huge FIM supporters, according to Asteak. “Knob Hill has a special FIM page on their school website, and hosted ongoing competitions to help generate excitement for the program.”

El Camino Creek, located in the Encinitas Unified School District, was also visited by Sun and Asteak, who stopped by to congratulate FLYER52CA, the #1-ranked first grade team in the state. Team Leader Maggie Sprotte and Principal Carrie Brown were also in attendance.

The Western “Road Trip,” organized by FIM California representative, Jill Henderson, began the morning of June 2 with a visit to St. Didacus School. Principal Elizabeth LaCosta and Curriculum Director for the San Diego Diocese, Patricia Bannon, welcomed Sun and Asteak to a school-wide assembly to honor students for their accomplishments in the program, including achieving the rank of #2 school in California. St, Didicus is also home to the #1 second grade team in the state, COAST24CA, and the #1 sixth grade player in the state, Mary Clare Shen.


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