Top Alabama Teams Honored at First In Math Awards Ceremony

Top Alabama Teams Honored at First In Math Awards Ceremony

BOAZ, AL—Boaz Intermediate School hosted a celebration May 8 to congratulate three of its First In Math Teams for their accomplishments in the online math program's national competition. Fifth-grade team "Troop" was #1 in the state, just one notch ahead of the school's fourth-grade team, "Magic," who finished second. English Language Learners Team "Topaz" was recognized for finishing 11th.


Boaz Intermediate School's 4th grade Team is #2 in Alabama (left) and 5th grade team is ranked #1.

Principal John Beck said when the school began using a new reading program, math teachers asked him about a program to challenge students in mathematics. Beck says they discovered First In Math "by accident" when teachers were searching for an online version of the 24® Game. One of the math teachers signed up for a free trial, and the company, through local Alabama representative Adams Learning Resources, later offered the school a pilot program for three, 36-member teams.

On hand to present awards were: Barbara Asteak, vice president of Pennsylvania-based Suntex International, the creators of the 24 game and the First In Math program; Boaz Mayor Tim Walker; Tony King, president of the Boaz City School Board; and Principal John Beck. "This is a great honor," said King. Math teacher Sheree Fox, who won a FIM Winner's Circle Kit for the school in February, was presented with a Team Leader plaque, and fifth-grader Nick Williams was recognized as the #1 player in Alabama. Brent Claburn finished just one position behind Williams, and the other top five students at BIS are Brylee Argy, Avery Nevels and Cassi Dobbins.

According to ESL Specialist Marty Hatley, there is one student in particular who has excelled since being introduced to First in Math. "Juan is a student who had often said that he didn't like school. He is not only a limited-English student, but also a special education student who often would become upset if the work he had to do was difficult to him. He began playing First in Math on a regular basis last semester, and his attitude toward math has made a complete turnaround. He is attempting math problems that I thought would have been way out of his range. He has exceeded not only his teachers' expectations, but has also surpassed what he thought he could do on his own," says Hatley. Juan and his ELL/Intervention teammates worked together to solve more than 60,000 math problems so far this year—earning more than 20,000 virtual stickers online.

Juan and his parents are very proud of his accomplishments. "The program has helped him approach grade-level standards in math," says Hatley. He is now a student that has a positive attitude toward math and learning, and I think the change has a lot to do with the First in Math program, because it makes learning fun for students."


Left to right: Juan is introduced to the crowd; Avery Nevels and Nick Williams, #1-ranked player in the state; Barbara Asteak presents a Team Leader Award to Sheree Fox.

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