Teachers Share First In Math® Success Stories at NCTM Conference

Teachers Share First In Math® Success Stories at NCTM Conference

SAN DIEGO, CA—Representatives from Suntex International, makers of the 24® Game and the First In Math® Online Program, traveled to sunny San Diego for the 2010 NCTM (National Council of Teachers of Mathematics) Annual Meeting on April 21. The exposition featured vendors, presentations, workshops, and mini-courses covering all grade levels. This year's theme was “Connections: Linking Concepts and Content.”

The colorful Suntex booth incorporated six computers, allowing educators to fully experience the First In Math program as a student or teacher. Suntex President and CEO Robert Sun says he always looks forward to attending to “share our vision of the success students can achieve with those who may never have heard of us,” and also to hear what loyal users of the First In Math program have to say.


Many teachers who visited the Suntex booth for a demonstration stayed to pose for pictures with First In Math creator Robert Sun.

“When educators say to me ‘First In Math Online is the fastest, surest, most enjoyable way for our students to get good at math’ or ‘There is not anything else in the marketplace that holds a candle to this wonderful program,’ I know we’re on the right track, explains Sun, who is proud that such sentiments are echoed by education professionals across the country. (see Letters)

There were also stories that moved Sun—among them an Orange County, Florida teacher explaining that her ‘hotel’ kids (from families who have recently lost their homes due to tough economic times) are staying in school an extra two hours at day’s end to work on the First In Math program.

Helping to spread the word were Vice President Barbara Asteak, customer specialists Nancy Kane, Cynthia Anderson and FIM Texas rep Tony Morrow, who loves doing site-demos. Kane also handed out three 24® Game/ First In Math® daily prizes, won by teachers from Nova Scotia (Canada), Arizona and California.

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