Saint Laurence School's Dedication To First In Math® Online Program and 24® Game Pays Off

Saint Laurence School's Dedication To First In Math® Online Program and 24® Game Pays Off

UPPER DARBY, PA—As the clock ticks toward the deadline for the First In Math Online Program National Top Ten Awards, St. Laurence School is becoming a force to reckon with in the program. The K-8 Catholic school is currently ranked #1 among all grades in the Philadelphia Archdiocese, and ranked #22, all grades, among more than 1,000 participating schools in Pennsylvania. In addition, 6th grader James O'Shea is the #3-ranked player in the nation, all grades, with more than 28,000 stickers.

"I play four or five times a week for about 30 minutes," says O'Shea, explaining his strategy. "I like to choose the game at random and work on it until I finish the level. Most of the time it comes natural to me, but if I have a problem I stay with it until I solve it."


Number one team in the Philadelphia Archdiocese, Vista61PA. James O'Shea holds the team's First In Math traveling trophy.

St. Laurence School loves the First in Math Program, according to Math Coordinator Ann Char. "On April 11 we had a First In Math Marathon—every computer in the school was on the site. Every class had 30 minutes in the lab and classroom computers were available to the students as they finished their work. A group of sixth graders even opted to use the lab during lunch recess!"

"Our Home & School Association pays for the program each year, and we are grateful for their support," says Principal Sister Helen Thomas. Teachers, students, and parents are all seeing benefits. "While students are enjoying the healthy competition, teachers find that students are not only mastering basic skills but are also motivated to become independent learners. Parents are enthusiastic that the children are engaged in a safe online activity."

Recognition of the students' success plays an important role in the program, according to Char. "Our Principal encourages the students over the loudpseaker and gives regular updates on their progress. We also have a First in Math Wall of Champions where we post the leaders in each homeroom."

"Saint Laurence truly believes in the FIM program, and in the 24® Game," says Char. "In addition to our FIM activities, we have an after-school club for children who wish to play the 24 game, and about 30 students stay after school on Mondays to compete using official tournament rules." The school is planning to host a mini tournament at its Academic Fair in May, with the hopes of expanding to a regional competiiton in Delaware County next year. In the past, when there were citywide 24 Challenge® tournaments, St. Laurence was always well represented. For several years, the Delaware county winner was a St. Laurence student.

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