Robert Sun Presents Awards to Nationally-Ranked First In Math® Students and Teachers in Archdiocese of Philadelphia Schools

Robert Sun Presents Awards to Nationally-Ranked First In Math® Students and Teachers in Archdiocese of Philadelphia Schools

UPPER DARBY, PA—May 18 was a well-deserved day of celebration for Philadelphia's Catholic schools. Like their public-school counterparts, Archdiocese of Philadelphia Schools, as well as individual teams and students throughout the Archdiocese, earned state and national honors in The First In Math® Online Program. Competing against nearly 3,500 schools in 42 states, six Archdiocese schools rank among the Top 100 Schools in the Nation, including Broomal's St. Pius X School, who placed among the elite Top Ten Schools nationally.


James O’Shea poses with First In Math creator Robert Sun and the coveted National First In Math All Star award.

Upper Darby's St. Laurence School is home to 7th grader James O'Shea, the #2 player in the nation, all grades. This is the second year in a row O'Shea has attained National All Star status in the program. In somewhat of a FIM sweep, O'Shea's Team, NASA91PA ranked #5 nationally, all grades, and Team leader Mary Higgins is ranked #17 individually as a Team Leader Player.

First In Math creator Robert Sun attended the award ceremony, held at St. Laurence School, to recognize selected Schools and Teams, along with the students whose mathematics achievement propelled their alma maters to great success. The First In Math program allows family members and teachers to participate in separate competitions, and high-achievers in the Family Link and Top Team Leader Players categories were also recognized. Sun, who as a youngster attended Catholic school at St. Francis de Sales, says he is always impressed with the degree of dedication and professionalism throughout the Archdiocese.


Left,middle: Two mother-daughter duos accept awards for their Top 100 Family Link Ranking. Right: Superintendent of Schools Mary Rochford congratulates all of the participants.

Principal Sister Diane Licordare accepted a plaque on behalf of St. Pius X School, honoring their school's National Top Ten ranking, and Principal Sister Helen Thomas McCann received a plaque on behalf of St. Laurence School. Sun presented Sister Edward William Quinn, Director of Elementary Curriculum and Instruction for the Archdiocese, with a special Spirit In Education Award, "in recognition of her significant contributions to the success of the First In Math Online Program in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia."


Top: St. Laurence’s Team NASA91PA ranked #5 in the US, all grades. Kate Reardon, Sister Edward William Quinn (far right) and Team Leader Mary Higgins (back, left) join the students.
Bottom, l to r: Robert Sun and Sister Helen Thomas McCann; Sister Edward William Quinn proudly displays her Spirit In Education award.

Mary Rochford, Superintendent of Schools, said it was an honor to be able to congratulate all of the participants in person. Math Curriculum Coordinator Kate Reardon agrees. "I could tell that all in attendance were very impressed—the prizes and plaques were beautiful," says Reardon. Mrs. Denise Judge, Principal of Mary Mother of the Redeemer School, credits her school’s increase in math scores to the work her students do on the FIM site. The school has participated in the program for several years and Judge says she continues to invest in the online resource because she has seen the results.

The Archdiocese of Philadelphia currently has 182 parish and regional elementary schools, 20 high schools and five schools of special education. First In Math Nationally-ranked Archdiocese of Philadelphia Schools, 2008/2009 school year: #9 St Pius X School; #17 St Laurence School; #26 Immaculate Conception; #43 Mary Mother Of The Redeemer; #67 St. William School; #91 St Albert Great School. Numerous awards for schools ranking among the Top 100 in Pennsylvania were also handed out by Sun.


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