Little Rock, Arkansas, Schools Join the First In Math® Party!

Little Rock, Arkansas, Schools Join the First In Math® Party!

LITTLE ROCK, AR—“I knew when I saw it that I had to bring First In Math® Online into our schools,” says Vanessa Cleaver, Director of Mathematics for Little Rock School District. This fall, more than18,000 LRSD students are being introduced to the FIM online resource materials, thanks to a chance meeting last November at the Benjamin Banneker Conference between conference chair Cleaver and Cred Dobson, FIM Ambassador.

Though Cleaver liked what she saw right away, getting the go-ahead to pilot any new initiative requires persistence. At April’s National NCTM Annual Conference, Dobson introduced Cleaver and LRSD Math Specialist 9-12 Marcelline Carr to FIM creator Bob Sun, who offered to present a proposal at the Little Rock Leadership Institute on July 28. As a result of that presentation, and with support from Dr. Jeanne Huddle, Associate Superintendent of Curriculum, and Dr. Sadie Mitchell, Associate Superintendent of Elementary Education, LRSD adopted First In Math® district-wide for the 2009-2010 school year!


Photos, clockwise, left to right: Kathy Schwartz and Sabra Shelby; Beth Clifford helps Paula Smith in the Technology Center; Terry Evans, Cred Dobson and Hazel Harris; Vanessa Cleaver and Marcelline Carr.

In late August, Dobson and FIM Support Specialist Nancy Kane flew to Little Rock to train Cleaver, Carr, Karl Romain-Math Specialist 6-8, and Beth Clifford-Math Specialist-K-5. Before the in-depth training session, Principal Nancy Rousseau treated Dobson and Kane to a personal tour of historic Central High School, made famous during the civil rights era. Having lived through that era and taken part in several peaceful protests himself, Dobson was particularly touched by his visit to the school which provides visitors “a true look back to the desegregation issues of 1957.” *

The following day at the state-of-the-art Little Rock Technology Center, 41 of the district’s math coaches learned how to use First In Math® to improve students’ math skills. After reviewing the nuts-and-bolts of the program, discussion centered on encouraging students to take ownership of the learning process as well as motivational and management strategies. “It was a pleasure to work with such a warm, friendly, very receptive and enthusiastic group of professionals, obviously eager to learn about First In Math® Online so they can bring it back to their teachers and students,” says Kane.

Cleaver and Carr were available to answer questions and help with the training. Dobson kept the atmosphere lively with his trademark sense of humor. Comedic talent aside, Dobson says he is very excited that FIM has come to Little Rock. “I’ve seen what this amazing math resource can do for test scores in other school districts, like Philadelphia and Pittsburgh, and when it takes hold here-well, the sky’s the limit!” Also important, says Dobson, is First In Math’s ability to break down stereotypes and other barriers surrounding math.

As of September 18, nearly 5,000 players are already activated at 42 schools throughout the district. In the first several weeks of FIM implementation, Little Rock public school students have already solved 1.37 million math problems.

*Central High School was the center of a struggle for desegregation that received worldwide attention. The Brown v. Board of Education Supreme Court ruling in 1954 stated that "separate but equal" was not providing an equal education for African-American students. In September of 1957, hostilities arose when nine African-American students tried to attend the then all-white Central High School. Those students became forever known as the "Little Rock Nine."

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