First In Math® Top Ten Competition Spreads Nationally—Looks Globally

First In Math® Top Ten Competition Spreads Nationally—Looks Globally

EASTON, PA—Exciting new trends are emerging barely two months into the 2009/2010 First In Math season, according to FIM Account Manager Cynthia Anderson. "Every student in the National Top Ten is from a different region! Players from Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Louisiana, California, Maryland, Ohio, Virginia, Georgia and Wisconsin are joined by a Russian student from the Anglo-American School of Moscow.” *

The trend toward broader participation is echoed in the National Top Schools Ranking, which shows schools from Pennsylvania, California, Ohio, Georgia, Louisiana, Iowa, Florida and Oklahoma among the top 20. The National Top Teams category lists teams from New Mexico, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Wisconsin, Florida, California, Georgia and Iowa among its top 20.

"In years past, Pennsylvania dominated the rankings, partly because the First In Math program was piloted throughout the School District of Philadelphia and had tremendous support there, and partly because PA schools know and love the 24® Game," explains Anderson. "Then California schools caught up, and before you know it—through word-of-mouth at math conferences and elsewhere—First In Math spread from coast-to-coast."

No matter how big the First In Math program becomes, some things will remain the same, says Anderson. "Helping students build a solid foundation in mathematics will always be paramount, and we pledge to deliver an effective vehicle for deep practice that makes math engaging and accessible for ALL types of learners."

* Editor's Note: Did you know that Teams from Romania, Australia, China, Qatar, Russia and Greece participate in the First In Math Online Program?

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