First In Math School Assemblies Help Foster A Global Community of Student Mathematicians

First In Math School Assemblies Help Foster A Global Community of Student Mathematicians

GHAZIABAD, INDIA-Following last month's visit to Billabong High International School, First In Math representatives Monica Patel and Akshita Gandhi conducted a First In Math motivational assembly at Ryan International School for Standards 3-5 and 6-8. The school currently has more than 1,600 students enrolled in the online program.


Top photo: Ryan students greet the Suntex Team. Bottom photos, l to r: Top player, Naman, is honored for solving 15,982 problems on the FIM program and receives a FIM backpack; Principal Anju Sharma elevates student spirit, prior to the assembly; Akshita Gandhi applauds as top students are recognized.

Patel, a former teacher, deeply enjoys meeting with students, and couldn't help noticing that the cold winter of Delhi was in sharp contrast to their bubbling excitement. "The children were amazed that they had solved so many problems. When I asked them how many stickers they had-and then told them to multiply the number by 3 because each sticker represents roughly three problems solved correctly-they went mad!"

Patel was particularly impressed with a student named Chahak, who was ranked #5 at Ryan, and the only girl in the top 10. "When we honored her during the ceremony, I set a goal for her: try and make it to #1 so that you can inspire all female mathematicians," explains Patel. "Would you believe that this darling girl rose to the challenge, and in 20 days made it to #1, all grades. She currently has more than 7,000 stickers."

"When we showed students how to interpret FIM Rankings at the State, National and even International level, there was tremendous excitement and the children were furiously calculating how many stickers they would need to earn to get to the desired Rank," adds Gandhi, pointing out that in the month following the visit, Ryan International has gone from an average of 80 stickers per student to 203 stickers per student.

As in the BHIS assembly, Patel spoke about her four steps for successful implementation:
1. Address the question, 'Why should I do maths?'
2. Crush the 'maths anxiety' that many students feel by tailoring FIM to their comfort level.
3. Relate compelling stories of Champions of FIM and give students a lofty goal.
4. Show students how to achieve their goal while enjoying the process of attaining the goal.

She also pointed out that the added benefit is that this four-step process transfers the ownership of maths practice onto the student. "I cannot stress enough the importance of this 'Deep Practice' that FIM promotes," explained Patel.

Patel also recognized Top FIM Teams for their performance, as well as the Top 10 Players and Players of the Week. The assembly ended with students chanting, 'Play FIM with the courage of lions and rule the Rankings!' Afterward, students approached Patel asking for tips and pointers. Their respectful behavior, outstanding conduct, and keenness to learn were a reflection of the best of Indian culture. Patel and Gandhi are appreciative of the very warm welcome extended to them by Principal Anju Sharma, FIM School Anchor Arpita Sharma, the Vice Principal and the supervisors of respective grade groups.

Patel has been a First In Math® Online Program Implementation Strategist in the U. S. for the past two years, and travels to India regularly to help the program grow in her native country. "Both assemblies I have attended during my first visit of 2012 were memorable, and I can't wait to share the experience with our students in USA. Through First In Math, we are fostering a global community of student mathematicians!"

FIM Implementation Consultant, Akshita Gandhi, is permanently based near Delhi, and can be reached via email at with questions about the First In Math® Online Program.

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