First In Math® Program Praised as Major Factor in School's Math Score Success

First In Math® Program Praised as Major Factor in School's Math Score Success

PHILADELPHIA, PA—James Logan Elementary School Principal Mark Wilicki is proud of the accomplishments of his students, whose 2007-08 fifth-grade Pennsylvania State System of Assessment (PSSA) math scores jumped a dramatic 18 percentage points, to 62% of students scoring at Proficient and Above levels. Wilicki cites the First In Math® Online Program as a major contributing factor in their improvement.


Chezkera Wilson explores FIM strategy on the smartboard, during a Team discussion.

"First In Math is a great tool," says Wilicki. "Not only does it provide our kids with mental math skills, but it brings them together as a team. Our students get excited about the competition and help each other learn the math skills needed to earn more stickers. In the four years we have used the program, our students have never tired of it. Even those that say they don't like math always want to do First In Math."

Sixth grade teacher Travis Lick says the program is a key supplement. "My kids have fun learning math with this program and are always asking to get on the computer when we have down time during the day—I love it." Fellow teacher Stacy Klein agrees, pointing out that all 22 of her students completed the first three Skill Sets in just ten days. "That's how motivating this program can be," says Klein.

Classrooms brimming with well-mannered children in bright yellow shirts eagerly await the announcement of top FIM teams each week, as the school uses two First In Math traveling trophies to reward it's top FIM teams. "We are getting a new playground and new computers soon," says Wilicki, "but those two things may take a back seat to the competition for these trophies!"

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