First In Math® Comes "Full Circle" at Lehigh Valley School

First In Math® Comes "Full Circle" at Lehigh Valley School

OREFIELD, PA—Monica Patel has experienced the benefits of First In Math for many years, and in many different ways. A Technology Teacher at St. Joseph the Worker School in Orefield, Pennsylvania, Patel is also the mother of 2006 FIM Program Champion Shonak Patel. "Life has come full circle," explains Patel. "When my son received accolades from Mr. Robert Sun for being #1 nationally in 2006 as well as #2 in 2005, I was full of joy, and today I am full of joy again because I am able to give back to my amazing students through this wonderful program. The Almighty really works in mysterious ways!"


Left photo, l to r: Mrs. Wagner, Mrs. Patel and Mrs. Woods congratulate Eric Fenstermaker and Mark Stenske. Right photo, l to r: St. Elizabeth's team torch43pa, along with Ms. Feichtel and Principal Sister Bonita Smith.

St. Joseph students had great success in the First In Math program throughout the 2007/2008 school year. Third grader Mark Stenske earned the #1 spot in the state and 3rd place in the nation among third grade students, amassing more than 16,000 stickers. Classmate Eric Fenstermaker captured 2nd place in the state and 4th in the nation among third grade players with 14,602 stickers. The boys were encouraged throughout the year by their teachers, Mrs. Wagner and Mrs. Woods, as well as Principal Jody Myers and, of course, Mrs. Patel.

A number of other Allentown Diocese schools and students were also recognized last spring for their accomplishments in the program. St. Elizabeth's team torch43pa was the winner of the "Allentown Diocese First In Math Spring Contest." Suntex International representative, Nancy Kane, presented team members with lanyards and medals, and awarded their teacher, Ms. Feichtel, an Outstanding Team Leader plaque.

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