First In Math A Big Hit At Family Math Night

First In Math A Big Hit At Family Math Night

AMBLER, PA—Students, parents and siblings turned out in large numbers for Math Night at Lower Gwynedd Elementary on March 3. Students and their parents sampled twelve different Math activities, and the First In Math Online Program was the top draw, according to FIM Ambassador Cred Dobson. "Math Night was a blast at Gwynedd! We had three tables with 15 laptops at our station."


Left: Lower Gwynedd students and their parents check out the FIM site on Mac laptops. Top: Staff Developer Toby Grosswald and Elementary Curriculum Supervisor Dr. Kevin P. McAneny. Bottom: Principal Lawrence J. Feeley.

Lower Gwynedd Interim Principal Lawrence J. Feeley agrees that one of the most popular locations was indeed the First in Math Table, manned by Dobson, his wife Jennifer, and Lower Gwynedd Staff Developer Toby Grosswald. "Empty seats quickly filled as all were eager to participate, and to hear about First in Math." Feeley, who credits more than 20 staff members with the evening's success, says he is "hoping that future Math Nights at Lower Gwynedd Elementary will find Mr. and Mrs. Dobson back with us to share some of that First in Math excitement!"

In addition to the FIM table, 5th-grade teacher Roni Goodman entertained students at a separate 24® Game table. Goodman, a teacher at Lower Gwynedd for 12 years, used the 24® Game with her students before the First in Math program was implemented throughout the district. “I see how my 5th grade students improve number sense skills—problem solving is easier for them because they know the basic facts," says Goodman. "My data shows this, as my class is soaring through the national ranks in FIM. Right now we are the top team in our district!”

Dr. Kevin P. McAneny, Elementary Curriculum Supervisor, also attended the annual event, which seeks to involve students and their families in an evening of math fun and adventure. Another way the school involves family members is through a component of the First In Math program know as "Family Link". Family Link allows parents and siblings access to the site, providing a mechanism for students and families to spur each other on to greater mathematics achievement. Dobson's wife, Jennifer Hawkins, a School-Based Math Teacher Leader at C. W. Henry ES in Philadelphia, attended Math Night to help out at the FIM station, and liked what she saw. "Lower Gwynedd students show a real enthusiasm for learning and willingness to try new things, and I saw lots of encouragement and support from both staff and parents. Kudos to Ms. Grosswald for getting such a wonderful turnout at this math event!"

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