FIM Asks Students "What Do You Know?"

FIM Asks Students "What Do You Know?"

First In Math now offers a new pre- and post-test module that simulates a standardized test, and gives formative assessment of a student's skill in solving word problems. Similar to the word problems presented in the Know & Show modules, What Do You Know? (WDYK) is becoming one of the most sought after choices for students eager to earn stickers and educators eager to establish a comprehensive baseline for their learners.


FIM lab buddies contemplate the answer to a simple geometry question in the WDYK 3&4 game. 

“I have seen WDYK in action in school computer labs,” reports Suntex Implementation Specialist Monica Patel. “Students love that it has no timer and they can take their time—even use paper and pencil— and of course earn so many stickers. Teachers and principals are delighted to have an easy way of capturing baseline data.”

The WDYK icon is displayed on the main Hub on the player's Homepage. Within the module, there are three versions targeted to three grade ranges: WDYK 3&4, WDYK 5&6 and WDYK 7&8.

WDYK randomly pulls four questions from each of the nine categories of the corresponding Know & Show word-problem database. This initial draw of 36 questions is retained and remembered for each player. A player can exit the module at any time with his progress record preserved and the integrity of the short-cycle-of-play structure maintained. When players return to the game, it resumes with the next question in the sequence, requiring them to address each problem, rather than avoid challenging equations by clicking refresh. Hints and the Glossary are not offered, as the goal of WDYK is to simulate the test environment while facilitating learning and practice.

The WDYK progress bar provides additional, real-time feedback and incentive. Each time a student correctly answers four questions, he crosses a threshold and receives a message telling him how many stickers have been earned. The threshold automatically moves to set the next goal. More stickers are loaded at later thresholds to encourage persistence in getting 100% correct on any post-test. A student can earn 500 stickers by answering all 36 questions correctly, which has quickly made WDYK a very popular module on the First In Math website!

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