District of Columbia Winter Break Winners

District of Columbia FIM Winter Break Winners

WASHINGTON, DC—While many enjoyed taking time off and relaxing over Winter Break, District of Columbia public school students were busy learning math! Schools participated in a First in Math winter competition, earning more than 300,982 First in Math stickers, and correctly solving approximately 902,946 math problems. Congratulations to the winners and thank you to all of the students who worked hard on honing their math skills over the holidays. 


Top Schools:
Maury ES
Hardy MS
Seaton ES

Top Classes:
Mr. Lam’s 4th grade - Seaton ES
Mr. Taylor’s 7th grade - Wheatley EC
Dr. Pough’s 6th grade - Deal MS

Top Students:
6th grade - Deal student Kaleb G.
5th grade - Janney student Joshua L.
8th grade - Truesdell student Elijah J.

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