Why is DEEP PRACTICE important?
Games on the First In Math® site employ Deep Practice techniques to rapidly increase computation, problem solving, critical thinking and other essential math skills. Deep Practice is much more powerful than normal practice. Skills that may take months of regular practice can be mastered in a matter of weeks, or even days, using Deep Practice. Research shows that up to 90% of what students are taught in school is forgotten after 30 days. The 10% that is retained occurs from active learning—through Deep Practice.
Students learn by repeating, and reassessing, their math skills with immediate feedback and error-correction. Scientific research shows that this type of learning causes myelin, a neural insulation, to grow and thicken around axons, which connect the brain's neurons to each other. Increased myelin makes the neural network faster, stronger, and longer lasting. The result is quicker thinking, and better retention.
Engage their minds-win their hearts
Why don't children like to practice math? In reality, it is because they do not receive immediate feedback. In sports, when we swing a bat and miss the ball, the feedback through our senses is immediate. When solving mathematics problems there is no built-in feedback, and no opportunity for active learning. Math can quickly become a meaningless, boring undertaking.
First In Math's game-style activities provide immediate feedback, to ensure that students engage in the amount of Deep Practice necessary for skill retention. In a scientific study conducted by WestEd®, 72% of students using First In Math agreed with the statement "math lessons are fun." Teachers also overwhelmingly agreed that students enjoyed the program and sought out time to use the First In Math online math program.