At school or at home, students love to play GAMES and earn virtual First In Math “STICKERS” for correctly solving math problems! Use fun math practice that builds fact fluency using the suggestions below.
STEP 1: Create Baseline Data with Just The Facts
Just The Facts tests measure fact fluency to help you quickly assess skills with whole numbers, fractions, decimals, integers. Begin by having your students complete the Pre-test(s) appropriate for their skill level. Later, Post-tests will provide you with information to show growth over the Summer months. After your students take a JTF Pre-test, use the data to point them toward skills they need to develop. Practice GYMS or Very Important Facts® often fit the bill (see below).
STEP 2: Build Fluencies with Practice Modules
Workout Gyms Practice GYMs - Build fact fluency through practice. Students can work on all four operations with whole numbers, fractions, decimals, and integers.
Very Important Facts® (VIFs) Videos and activities teach concepts of foundational facts & build automaticity; three-tier interactive system isolates essential rules and fundamentals students must master, instead of hundreds of facts they would typically memorize.
Skill Sets® Students build equations from single-step addition to multi-step algebra; a great gauge of problem-solving ability and procedural fluency.
Know & Show - Practice targeted to specific grade levels & mathematical domains, in word-problem format.
STEP 3: Use Assessment Data to Gauge Progress
Easily Monitor core modules from the start, track throughout the Summer. On your Teacher Homepage, the large circular icon is your classroom [Team] GOALS INDEX, a measure of performance in four areas: Activity, Fact Fluency, Procedural Fluency, Word-problem Fluency. Use data to help set a target for students, for example, “complete the GYMs Division unit” or “let’s get our GOALS number up to 10 in a four-week period”. Pro Tip: Click the GI icon to view more data that can be used to guide students toward specific tasks!
OPTIONS: Become a Pro User!
Focus Mode Curates content. We automatically set a Focus Mode at the grade level of the class (Team). Teachers can change categories at any time. Click the Focus Mode link on your Teacher Homepage, follow instructions; make changes for the entire classroom or override options for a specific student.
Suggest/assign content to students. Choose content to fit your math program's focus using the Standards Correlation Tool and copy links to students. On your Teacher Homepage, click the Suggest Content link. Select Grade in column 1, then checkmark Games in column 2. Follow instructions in column 3 to paste games into Student Notifications. It is recommended that you suggest goals, but allow students to progress at their own pace. Pro tip: Use the tool to see games for yourself before you select them!
Notifications. Notifications let you generate in-app messages to create engagment. Electronic Awards, in the form of Badges and Certificates, appear automatically in student Notifications at preset milestones, but you can send messages too! Students love to click their envelope icon to receive your messages.
24® Game Skill Sets® Beyond strengthening procedural fluency, 24 Game expands strategic thinking and adaptive reasoning abilities, laying the groundwork for higher-order math skills such as Computational Thinking. Games in Skill Sets 1 through 6 may be appropriate for grades 1-5. Check our Educator Quick Guide for recommendations.
Bonus Games. At-home involvement drives long-term achievement. We’ve been helping children practice at home since 2002! BONUS GAMES are a fun way for students to explore math. Various untimed skill-building activities, such as sequencing and working with tens, target skills students need at each grade level.
K-2 World. Use K-2 games as guided practice to motivate young students. Introduce basic math skills, improve focus and help students understand the importance of setting and achieving short-term goals. Most games require no reading and make math fun and cool!
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